Wednesday, September 21, 2011


My son's passion for pets gave me the idea on how to start with terrariums. His gold fish, fighting fish, gecko, redeared slider turtle and even super worms used to live in those fish bowls when all they needed was a little room for their sizes. But as their sizes increased and some grew in numbers,  bigger rooms were needed for them so there went the fish bowls, set aside in the corner, waiting, wondering what's gonna happen to them next.

Terrarium was started by Dr. Nathaniel Ward in the 1800s. His experiments with indoor plants led him to discover how plants can grow well in closed containers. Bell jars were commonly used as containers for terrariums but any glass container will do. A dish garden is even simpler by creating a miniature garden and landscapes. Delighted by the thought of having my own terrarium, I made use of the fish bowls as containers.

So there went those fish bowls, now my miniature garden. Misting the plants would make the plants moist because too much water would ruin them. I used pebbles, gravel and sand at the bottom topped with moist soil before planting. After several attempts of planting, choosing what type of plants that would be suitable in the container, I settled for white grass, fern and two other plants I have yet to identify. Ceramic shells, decorative stones were added for interest.


Andrea said...

Hi i am new here, came via the most popular blogs at blotanical. Those terrariums are lovely and good as gifts too. I wonder why this site is popular in rating in Blotanicals, when there are not much comments in the posts.

Carolyn ♥ said...

It's been years since I even thought of terrariums... there was a time when they were very popular. Your post reminds me of how fun they are to make and to care for. Well done!

Autumn Belle said...

You are very creative with your fish bowl terraniums. Terraniums are a good choice for indoor gardens.

mariernrocks said...

@ Andrea: Likewise, am new on the site. Thanks for appreciating those terrariums. Hey, what an idea, they're nice as gifts, too! :-)

@ Carolyn: Yes, it was fun to discover how we can make variations in our gardens. Thanks!

@ Autumnbelle: Thanks, we haven't gotten a bigger room for an ideal garden so I tried terrariums for a miniature garden and it turned out to be quite ok!

These Hands